
Meet the Dunbar Transportation Consulting Team

The Origins of DTC

Julie K. P. Dunbar, PE launched Dunbar Transportation Consulting LLC (DTC) in 2000 after building an academic and professional foundation with two bachelor's degrees in Physics and Civil Engineering, followed by a master's in Civil Engineering and 18 years with the North Central Texas Council of Governments in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where she led multi-modal planning efforts with their metropolitan planning organization.

Experts in Transportation Planning

Julie proudly runs DTC as a woman-owned business (WBE/DBE). Along with team member Bill Davidson, DTC focuses on multi-modal corridor analysis, travel demand model development and application, Federal Transit Administration Alternative Analysis/New Starts, rail corridor planning, and system planning. Learn more about DTC services.

Julie Dunbar - Ireland

  • Julie Dunbar - Zephyr Transportation Award with Rick Donnelly

Meet Julie K. P. Dunbar

Professional Experience

Licensed as a Professional Engineer in Texas and based in Central Illinois, Julie is an expert in project management, technical analysis, and public involvement and communication for large-scale transportation planning.

Over the course of her nearly 40-year career, Julie has collaborated with industry contractors such as WSP, HDR, and CH2M. She has been a key member of teams led by these firms to launch and analyze projects for institutions such as Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Trinity Metro (Fort Worth Transportation Authority), LA Metro, and North Central Texas Council of Governments. She has worked as a contractor with the Transportation Research Board for over a decade, most notably to develop the Travel Forecasting Resource designed to examine the current and future practices of metropolitan travel forecasting.

Community and Sector Involvement

Volunteerism holds an important place in Julie's career. She has volunteered extensively with the Transportation Research Board and Zephyr Transportation, and became a Zephyr Board member in 2019. For both her professional and volunteer contributions to the field of transportation, Julie has been profiled for by TR News Magazine and Zephyr Transportation.

As a long-time founder and operator of a woman-owned business, Julie understands the value of surrounding herself with other female entrepreneurs and paving the way for women aspiring to run their own businesses. She has been active in the leadership of P.E.O. International, which raises money to support women’s education.

In the past, Julie has served as a member of the Council for IWU Women, has held numerous leadership positions at her local church, and has sung in the church choir for her entire adult life. She also prioritizes spending time with family.

Meet Bill Davidson

Bill Davidson joined the DTC team in 2016. He is nationally recognized in the field of travel demand model development and forecasting. Bill is particularly well known for his work in mode choice model development, and is one among a small number who pioneered the development and application of fully nested logit models. Using original travel survey data, he has estimated and developed complete travel forecasting model sets in some of North America's largest regions, including Greater Toronto Hamilton Area, Los Angeles, Chicago, the San Francisco Bay Area, Honolulu, Miami, Houston, Cleveland, Las Vegas, Phoenix, St. Louis, Buffalo, Austin, and Dallas/Ft. Worth.

With extensive experience in toll road and value/congestion pricing studies, Bill is also an industry leader in the development of travel models for specialized trip purposes, in particular visitor travel models. He has worked on a wide variety of FTA New Starts Projects and collaborated closely with FTA staff to develop travel forecasting guidelines and best practice procedures. Beyond that, Bill has directed the travel forecasting component of a large number of Alternatives Analysis (AA) studies, ranging from system planning and Major Investment/AA studies to preliminary engineering and final design.

Bill has served as the lead technical advisor for projects such as the Los Angeles County Metro Westside Subway Extension, the SANDAG Mid-Coast Corridor Transit project, and the Honolulu Rapid Transit Project.

Find out more about Dunbar Transportation Consulting services.